Article 14 - Show Requirements
14.1 Only members of LUTG may propose a production.
14.2 A Director, Producer and Stage Manager must all be named and be present at the General Meeting at which the show is proposed. If a member of the Production team cannot be present, it is at the discretion of the Exec as to whether the show can be proposed.
i) If the proposal is for a musical then a Musical Director must also be named.
ii) If the show has a predicted expenditure of over £1700 the Producer role must be split into two so that one person is solely responsible for the financial aspects. In the case of a single producer, the following protocol. must be adhered to:
a. The producer must meet with the General Secretary at least every two weeks.
b. In exceptional circumstances, the General Secretary may appoint a Financial Producer.
14.3 Term shows must receive an approval rate of at least a third of the voting quorate in order to be passed.
i) Each show must be voted on individually with RON as a separate candidate.
ii) If RON receives more votes than any other candidate then those candidates will not go through and proposals will be reopened for the remaining term show slots
14.4 If the production is being proposed as an “LUTG Short”:
i) LUTG Shorts will have a budget of £150, and their running is decided upon by the exec. The External Events Officer should propose the idea to the exec, and the production team should be available to answer any questions within that time.
ii) Shorts will have a condensed rehearsal period which does not infringe on the running of term show rehearsals, or other large-scale society events (i.e. socials and meetings). Rehearsals should consist of a minimum of four hours per rehearsal week, and a maximum of ten hours per week.
iv) Production Team roles may be more fluid and interchangeable than term shows; however, there must be a person responsible for what occurs on-stage, and another for what occurs off-stage.
14.5 In addition to requirements detailed by the Exec, a set design, budget breakdown, publicity plan, cast size and gender breakdown must be presented as part of the proposal for the show.
14.6 The Budget and venue for each production is approved by the Exec Members of a PCSC prior to proposals. A production team may be advised to use an alternative venue if it is felt necessary by the Exec.
14.7 Additions/Alterations to the Production Team shall be subject to ratification by the Exec.
14.8 Any expenses above the proposed and minuted budget within each department (e.g. Costume, Set, Lighting etc) shall be agreed only by the General Secretary.
14.9 All advertisement both for the society and any production shall be referred to the Exec Publicity Officer.
14.10 Before term show auditions, a pre-show meeting shall be held with all production teams, and the whole Exec.
14.11 In the case that a production requires professional rights, an individual on the production team will be identified to the Exec as being solely responsible for those rights. This person will also be responsible for sending a copy of the Rights Agreement to the General Secretary. Additionally, this individual will be responsible for pursuing and purchasing a performance licence for the production's performance space if one is required:
i) Rights must be applied for by pre-proposals and should not be cancelled until after auditions weekend in case of emergency.
ii) If rights have not be acquired by one week before the start of auditions, then the PT of said show, along with any other PT who originally proposed a show at the previous proposals whose show was not passed, may be given an opportunity to present a new show to the exec. This show must be rights free.
iii) If the shows are approved by the exec, they must be presented to the society for a vote via a Google Form. The membership should be provided with a presentation of the intended show, the budget sheet and the minutes from the meeting with the exec. The PT(s) must be available to answer any questions that the membership has.
iv) Membership must be given at least 12 hours to vote and this vote must happen at least 24 hours before the first audition date.
14.12 If a cheque becomes invalid for any reason (such as changeover of signatories) a replacement cheque can be requested up to the end of the term following the election of new signatories.
14.2 A Director, Producer and Stage Manager must all be named and be present at the General Meeting at which the show is proposed. If a member of the Production team cannot be present, it is at the discretion of the Exec as to whether the show can be proposed.
i) If the proposal is for a musical then a Musical Director must also be named.
ii) If the show has a predicted expenditure of over £1700 the Producer role must be split into two so that one person is solely responsible for the financial aspects. In the case of a single producer, the following protocol. must be adhered to:
a. The producer must meet with the General Secretary at least every two weeks.
b. In exceptional circumstances, the General Secretary may appoint a Financial Producer.
14.3 Term shows must receive an approval rate of at least a third of the voting quorate in order to be passed.
i) Each show must be voted on individually with RON as a separate candidate.
ii) If RON receives more votes than any other candidate then those candidates will not go through and proposals will be reopened for the remaining term show slots
14.4 If the production is being proposed as an “LUTG Short”:
i) LUTG Shorts will have a budget of £150, and their running is decided upon by the exec. The External Events Officer should propose the idea to the exec, and the production team should be available to answer any questions within that time.
ii) Shorts will have a condensed rehearsal period which does not infringe on the running of term show rehearsals, or other large-scale society events (i.e. socials and meetings). Rehearsals should consist of a minimum of four hours per rehearsal week, and a maximum of ten hours per week.
- Extra rehearsal time may be dedicated a short, however, only with the full approval of all the members of the Short and the approval of the exec.
- The exec will only book a maximum of ten hours of rehearsal time per week.
iv) Production Team roles may be more fluid and interchangeable than term shows; however, there must be a person responsible for what occurs on-stage, and another for what occurs off-stage.
14.5 In addition to requirements detailed by the Exec, a set design, budget breakdown, publicity plan, cast size and gender breakdown must be presented as part of the proposal for the show.
14.6 The Budget and venue for each production is approved by the Exec Members of a PCSC prior to proposals. A production team may be advised to use an alternative venue if it is felt necessary by the Exec.
14.7 Additions/Alterations to the Production Team shall be subject to ratification by the Exec.
14.8 Any expenses above the proposed and minuted budget within each department (e.g. Costume, Set, Lighting etc) shall be agreed only by the General Secretary.
14.9 All advertisement both for the society and any production shall be referred to the Exec Publicity Officer.
14.10 Before term show auditions, a pre-show meeting shall be held with all production teams, and the whole Exec.
14.11 In the case that a production requires professional rights, an individual on the production team will be identified to the Exec as being solely responsible for those rights. This person will also be responsible for sending a copy of the Rights Agreement to the General Secretary. Additionally, this individual will be responsible for pursuing and purchasing a performance licence for the production's performance space if one is required:
i) Rights must be applied for by pre-proposals and should not be cancelled until after auditions weekend in case of emergency.
ii) If rights have not be acquired by one week before the start of auditions, then the PT of said show, along with any other PT who originally proposed a show at the previous proposals whose show was not passed, may be given an opportunity to present a new show to the exec. This show must be rights free.
iii) If the shows are approved by the exec, they must be presented to the society for a vote via a Google Form. The membership should be provided with a presentation of the intended show, the budget sheet and the minutes from the meeting with the exec. The PT(s) must be available to answer any questions that the membership has.
iv) Membership must be given at least 12 hours to vote and this vote must happen at least 24 hours before the first audition date.
14.12 If a cheque becomes invalid for any reason (such as changeover of signatories) a replacement cheque can be requested up to the end of the term following the election of new signatories.