Writer: Théo Tomas-Brown
Directors: Georgia Moore & Théo Tomas-Brown Assistant Directors: Tom Double & Eddie Sophie Edmunds Producer: Maddie Browse Assistant Producer: George Glenny Stage Manager: Luca Davies ASMs: Lilly Bryony-Menear, Ollie Hall & Beth Slater Matthew Crane: Christian Fuchs Vicky Crane: Ellie Melvin Jess Lincoln: Fatima Rodriguez The Host: Hugo Meadmore Jeff: Mark Romein Sarah: Chesca Downes Multiroles: Elena Bluck, Ross Buchanan & Megan Stephens |
A celebrity sex tape scandal quickly evolves into a far deeper and more painful revelation. Click takes a conscious look at how we respond to criticism in the media, and the affect that this can have on the victims - famous or not. |
LANCASTER UNIVERSITY THEATRE GROUPLUTG is one of the biggest and most active societies on campus. It’s our dedication to stage at least three shows every term – all directed, produced, managed and performed by students, giving you the opportunity to see your favourite shows brought to life. Whether you’re an actor, singer, producer, director, writer, stage manager – LUTG has something for you!